Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Nurses Week!

May 6th -May 12th is National Nurses Week. 
If you know a nurse, give him or her a big hug and thank them for what they do because I can verify that this profession is not an easy one to be in. 
It is a job of sacrifice and giving in ways that most people don't truly understand.
I think often times people really have no clue of the knowledge that is required to be a nurse. It is a profession that is demanding physically yes... but mentally also. It takes integrity and a level of compassion that goes above and beyond. It also takes an incredible amount of selflessness. 
To be honest I don't know that there has been many other things in my life where I have had to be as selfless as when I am in my role as a nurse. We put up with a lot folks.... but we are given a lot too.
Even on days when I absolutely hate my job... I still can safely say that there is no other world I'd rather be in. The world of nursing is my home and I am thankful to be in it.

Thank you to my fellow co-workers and to the nurses out there who work tirelessly to serve their patients and their families every day. 
And just for fun....

Still using my coffee mug from last year :)

Happy Nurses Week!

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